The universe is {{ game.universeAge.toTime() }} old
(Each real time second is equivalent to {{overallSpeed.toTime()}} of universe time)
Multiplier to all above layeet: x{{ timeLayerMult[0] }}
This layeet is {{ timeLayerSpeed[0] }}x faster than real-time
You have {{game.spaceFoam.beautify(2)}} meters of space foam
Space Foam is a timeless quantity
Each spatial compression compresses space by {{spaceCompBase}}%
Your {{game.spaceComp.beautify()}} spatial compression compresses spacetime by {{spaceCompEffect}}x
The better formula also multiplies Space Energy by {{game.spaceComp.minus(12).pow(game.stinc(18)?getSpacetimeCompEffect():1).beautify()}}
You have {{game.spacetime.beautify(game.galChal==1&&game.achievement.includes(37)?Infinity:2)}} meter-seconds of spacetime foam
You are getting {{spacetime.rate.beautify(game.galChal==1&&game.achievement.includes(37)?6:2)}} spacetime foam per second
Your {{game.spacetimeComp.beautify()}} spacetime compressors gives {{spacetime.effect.beautify(2)}} free spatial compressors and
{{spacetime.effect.gte(10)?spacetime.effect.log10().times(10).beautify(2):spacetime.effect.beautify(2)}} free temporal compressors
You have {{game.timeFoam.beautify(2)}} seconds of time foam
You are getting {{timeFoamSpeed}} time foam per second
Each temporal compression compresses time by {{timeCompBase}}%
Your {{game.tempComp.beautify()}} temporal compression compresses time by {{tempCompEffect}}x
Your temporal compressors is softcapped to {{game.tempComp.log10().times(10).min(15).beautify(2)}}
Your Nucleosynthesis Age is {{game.nucleoTime.toTime()}}
Nucleosynthesis of Deuterium Nuclei occurs between 2m and {{(EN(1200).times(game.SEU.includes(3)?spaceEnergyTimeMult():1).times(game.stinc(37)?getTempCompBase():1)).toTime()}}
You have {{nucleoLength().times(1000).beautify(2)}} mm of deuterium nuclei
This adds to your base Space Foam to make it longer
Multiplier to all above layeet: x{{ timeLayerMult[1] }}
This layeet is {{ timeLayerSpeed[1] }}x faster than real-time
You have {{game.spaceEnergy.beautify()}} Joule of space energy
This gives you the first {{game.spaceEnergy.min(3).beautify()}} spacetime upgrades for free {{game.SEU.includes(4)?"and also makes the third upgrade in each Row 1 set " + spaceEnergyRow1Mult().minus(1).times(100).beautify(2) + "% stronger":""}}
It also multiplies the above layeet speed {{game.SEU.includes(3)?"and the nucleosynthesis cap ":""}}by {{spaceEnergyTimeMult().beautify(2)}}
You have {{game.normalEnergy.beautify()}} Joule of normal energy
This makes the third upgrade in each Row 2 set {{normalEnergyRow2Mult().minus(1).times(100).beautify(2)}}% stronger
It also multiplies the above layeet speed {{false?"and the nucleosynthesis cap ":""}}by {{normalEnergyTimeMult().beautify(2)}}
Whenever you go Spaceless, your space compressors are disabled and spacetime is divided by 1e60 WARNING: The volatile nature of normal energy caps your normal energy to {{game.galaxies[0].add(1).add(game.perspectivePower.floor()).beautify()}}
You have {{game.starTypes.beautify()}} different stars, with a best of {{game.bestStarTypes.beautify()}} which is capping your supernovas
Blow them up for a temporary boost!
Next Supernova gets unlocked at {{(game.bestStarTypes.gte(30)?(game.bestStarTypes.gte(35)?(game.bestStarTypes.gte(40)?50:40):35):30)}} total stars!
The product of the first supernova's effect and the stellar multiplier is {{getStarEffect().times(game.galChal==2?1:getSuperNovaEffect(1)).beautify(2)}}x (can you maximize this?) The second supernova doesn't work if you're in Spaceless, but it does work in all of the galaxies or in Galaxies 1 to 3 Your QoL Achievement causes the star effect to be based on your best stars, meaning sacrificing stars will not hurt your stellar multiplier
Type in a number to set up a maximum of which these autobuyers are going to work up to Set the number to 0 to disable the autobuyer. Set the number to -1 if you want to remove the autobuyer's limit
Multiplier to all above layeet: x{{ timeLayerMult[2] }}
This layeet is {{ timeLayerSpeed[2] }}x faster than real-time
The universe has {{game.starTypes.beautify()}} different types of stars, with a best of {{game.bestStarTypes.beautify()}} star types
This multiplies Spatial Compression effect by {{getStarEffect().beautify(2)}}
Create galaxies under the certain conditions to earn them! These galaxies give a boost in different ways!
Your {{game.galaxies[0].beautify()}} Galaxy I increases normal energy cap by {{game.galaxies[0].beautify()}}
You're currently {{game.galChal==0?'not in a Galaxy':'in Galaxy ' + game.galChal}}
TIP: If you need to restart your current stellar run for any reason, you can enter a galaxy and then quickly exit.
Your best amount of stars was {{game.bestStarTypes.beautify()}} stars. Collect them all in order to gain unique advantages! The stars that are brighter than usual are the ones that yield a boost
{{"Star " + (Number(row)*8+Number(number)+1)}}
Multiplier to all above layeet: x{{ timeLayerMult[3] }}
This layeet is {{ timeLayerSpeed[3] }}x faster than real-time
The universe has {{game.perspectivePoint.beautify()}} points of perspective
This generates {{getPerspectiveRate().beautify()}} Perspective Power per second (boosted by space compressors past 1 point)
You have {{game.perspectivePower.beautify()}} perspective power
This multiplies Space Energy gain by x5, multiplies spacetime foam by x, and adds directly to your Normal Energy Cap
Also, by unlocking this layeet, you keep the first column of each compressor's upgrade.
If you made it and bought the 1e100 PPW upgrade, you're at the endgame. Try to reach 1e42 Normal Energy at this point until the next update comes out, because that is the requirement of the next layeet!
Each one of these Super Compressors perform a perspective reset when bought!
You have {{game.spaceComp.beautify()}} Spatial Compressors
Each spatial compression compresses space by {{spaceCompBase}}%
Your {{game.spaceComp.beautify()}} spatial compression compresses spacetime by {{spaceCompEffect}}x
The better formula also multiplies Space Energy by {{game.spaceComp.minus(12).pow(game.stinc(18)?getSpacetimeCompEffect():1).beautify()}}
You have {{game.spacetimeComp.beautify()}} Spacetime Compressors
Your {{game.spacetimeComp.beautify()}} spacetime compressors gives {{spacetime.effect.beautify(2)}} free spatial compressors and
{{spacetime.effect.gte(10)?spacetime.effect.log10().times(10).beautify(2):spacetime.effect.beautify(2)}} free temporal compressors
You have {{game.tempComp.beautify()}} Temporal Compressors
Your {{game.superComp.temp.beautify()}} temporal supercompressor yields {{inAnyGalChal()?"0.00":game.superComp.temp.beautify(2)}} free temporal compressors in non-galaxies
The game is autosaved every 10 seconds. Tip: By clicking a layeet tab twice in the Stacked display will collapse that layeet, revealing the entire set of layeet. You can also change the layeet display method to tabs, although this is uglier.
You have {{game.achievement.length}} achievements! Each row of achievements corresponds to a single Prestige Layeet in the game The last three achievement columns are full of rewards!